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What are the Types of Adulteration in Food?

Food adulteration is of adding of new substances to the quality product, which results in non-nutritious, loss of actual quality and so on. The consequences will be huge, to our health as well as to the surroundings. Now-a-days, this is quite common in the developing countries. Definitely, the products we’re utilizing now-a-days, will be adulterated in one route or other and it’ll be commenced by either producer or seller. The adulteration essence in every product has been done above 25% and it automatically, assists in reducing the cost of the raw materials.

Even though, adulteration is unacceptable, it cannot be carried on single way. It has certain methods. There are 6 types of adulteration in food is possible. In the process of adulteration, many substances have been utilized in the place of actual substance.

  • Mixing with substances like clay, pebbles, stones, sand, and marble chips, to the grains, pulses, and other crops which are used for mixing with actual food, in order to reduce the cost of raw materials.

  • Substitution of substances – For the sake of increasing the weight or nature of the product, cheap, non-quality materials has been included wholly or partially with the good ones.

  • Using the decomposed foods – Adding of decomposed fruits and vegetables with the good ones.

  • Misbranding – Happens in the final stage of processing, either by altering the manufacturing dates, list of ingredients, misleading ingredient derivatives or extending the expiry dates and so on.

  • Concealing the quality – same as misbranding by tricking to hide the food standard. For instance, adding captions of qualitative food with low quality for selling.

  • Inclusion of toxic substances – Inclusion of certain natural and chemicals essence to engage more consumers.

  • Artificial Ripening – Applying the certain chemicals for faster ripening of fruits especially in shortage time or either the tree will be collapsed before ripening of fruit.

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