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Food Marketing: Your Way Through the Food Industry

Remember that juicy and delicious advertisements bombarded with lots and lots of yummy foods? How do you think you make a decision of buying a food brand and sticking with it for the rest of your life until you find a much better alternative? Food Marketing is the answer to all these questions.

What we like and what we end up buying has a lot to do with how your food has been presented and marketed to you as consumers. So, let’s go further to know what exactly comes under food marketing.

What is Food Marketing?

Food marketing is a type of advertising that promotes the purchase of specific foods or foodstuffs. Many commercially available foods and beverages can contribute too much sodium, sugar, or saturated fat to our diets. Branding, event sponsorship, celebrity endorsements and contests, and sales promotions are all examples of food marketing. Commercials and product placement plays an important role in food marketing.

Food marketing is the act of connecting with customers using a variety of marketing strategies in order to increase the perceived value of a food product and persuade them to buy it. This comprises all operations that take place between the completion of a product and the consumer's purchase decision.

How Does Food Marketing Operates?

Newer kinds of marketing, such as sponsored social media postings, can be more difficult to spot. It can be difficult to tell whether you are being advertised to because of this. Personal data, such as your age and gender, shopping history, and online browsing history, can also be used to direct marketing to you. In order to deliver personalized adverts, behavioral advertising collects your personal data and online actions over time.

Because they relate to product, pricing, promotion, and place, the four components of food marketing are commonly referred to as the "four Ps" of the marketing mix. One of the reasons food producers get the most of the retail food dollar is that they offer the most unique, value-added services.

Food marketing can have a variety of effects on you. It is intended to: generate food trends and urge you to buy specific meals or drinks; purchase foods in exchange for promotional things such as loyalty points, movie or sporting event tickets, or vouchers for future food purchases; and establish ties between certain foods or brands so you will continue to buy from a specific business or products with a specific brand name if you live a certain lifestyle.

Food marketing systems vary around the world depending on the economic and technological development of the country. Understanding and interpreting a country's food marketing tactics necessitates consideration of the country's socioeconomic, cultural, legal-political, and technological environments.

By 2020, India's food retail sector is anticipated to be worth USD 894.98 billion. According to officials, the food processing sector has been rising at a pace of 12% each year. These data are rising day by day and Food marketing has a very important role to play here. As it makes sure people are consuming what the industry is producing.



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