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Demand for Dark chocolate in Chocolate Industry

Mostly chocolate, gives the taste of sweetness to the tongue and to the part of life. We ate many chocolates along with we experienced the evolution of chocolates, like the changes in texture, colour, quantity, package, shape, in comparison with our childhood to the present. Even though, we often consumed more chocolates for taste or rid of bitterness, children’s mostly, obsessed with it because of the attractive colours, taste of sweetness, texture, or stickers and so on. Let’s look the overview of chocolate industry.

What is Chocolate and classifications of chocolate?

A confectionery food product is made from the cacao beans of the topical tree Theobroma cacao. The fruit is fermented, dried, roasted, that delivers cocoa liquor. This liquor will be isolated into cocoa butter, a solid fat, which is utilized in both food and cosmetics industry. Cocoa butter and cocoa liquor is both integrated in different proportions with rest ingredients, for the purpose of making chocolate.

The chocolates are composed in a huge production by a group of companies is named as chocolate industry. Chocolates industries offers a huge opportunity to the small-scale business owners, and the indirect farmers, co-workers. Chocolate industry is sorted out by Type like cocoa powder, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, compound chocolate and by the application of bakery products, confectionery items, beverages, cakes, ice creams, frozen desserts and more applications. Basically, in chocolate industry supplies the four prominent types of chocolates. They are

  • Dark Chocolate – Comprised of 80% of pure cocoa beans and cocoa butter. The standard of chocolate depends on the quantity of cocoa.

  • Gianduja chocolate – Integration of hazelnuts, cocoa and sugar, the outcome product is brown chocolate.

  • Milk chocolate – Composed of milk powder, coca butter, sugar, lecithin, and cocoa (latter not less than 20-25%)

  • White chocolate – included with milk, sugar, cocoa butter, but no cocoa solids

Role of Dark Chocolate

Recently, dark chocolates influenced the Indian consumers and executed many factors, in both economic and health sector. This increased the production of dark chocolate with huge changes and considerations like sugar reduction, smaller packaging and the unique flavours. Underlying reason of this, dark chocolate is composed of the maximum utilization of purest form of cocoa beans with low sugar and without milk or butter, that enhanced the health benefits.

On the contrary, consumers knew the high measurement of sugar content was utilized in the normal chocolates, and realized the interrelation of chronic diseases like diabetes. Dark Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, flavanols, zinc, phosphorous that lowers the risk of heart disease, reduce the inflammation, insulin resistance, increases the brain function.

Check out FMT magazine, learn more about the chocolate industry trends and flavours.

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