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Adverse Effects of Food Adulteration on Human Health and Precautionary measures

Food adulteration, basically defines the adding or discarding of essence from the actual quantity or either change in the natural composition, results in poisoning of food at times. The adulterated food is, normally with similar taste, appearance and nutritional composition as like the actual food. But, this kind of adulterated food won’t provide same composition as of actual product in all aspect, and this often leads to health issues. Most people, not giving importance to this, even educated persons. Never realizing of this, lead to adverse effects of food adulteration on human health.

Normal to Life-Threatening Illness

Often, it initiates with small health issues like fever, nausea, cough, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, food poisoning, and so on. Later, it’ll develop on the body for huge period according to the consumption of adulterated food.

Eventually, the whole effects of food adulteration will expose in a huge complicated way for treating. Outcome of this, are life-threatening effects on health such liver disorders, brain damage, paralysis, kidney disorders, heart failure, asthma, ulcer, cancer. In contrast, consumption of adulterated food shows the response invisibly, that distort the functioning of the immune, digestive and nervous system.

Consumption of adulterated food by pregnant women may lead to abortion, or either damage the brain of the baby. Children, pregnant women, elderly people, weak and sick persons are higher prone to the consequences of food adulteration.

Precaution Against Food Adulteration

Harmful effects of food adulteration can be prevented by few safety precautions like observing some details, trusted brand or market, changing to natural products, etc.

  • Mostly, avoid the dark coloured, junk foods

  • Buy reliable brands of food with standard marks like I.S.I, Agmark, F.P.O, these standard marks are in, themselves offering a guarantee of good standard.

  • Buy commodities from the reliable shop or co-operative stores.

  • Packed food, that provides a proper label only should be purchased. This label must contain all the information regarding the quality, weight, date of manufactured, etc.

  • Make sure the seal is valid or not, before purchasing the beverages and food products like milk, oil and other products.

  • Perhaps, if you’ve a doubt of adulteration in any food, it’s better to avoid those food products for consumption.

  • Make sure to wash or clean and store all the grains, pulses, and other food products.

  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly in running water before consuming or utilizing for cooking.

  • As far as possible, buy the packed food item wherever.

Check out FMT magazine, to knew more info about effects of food adulteration on human health.

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